Without a duplicateable system in network marketing, it is like building a house without a good solid foundation. Eventually the house will collapse. The same thing will happen when building your business. When laying the foundation of a house, it must be deep and solid according to the size and the structure. Therefore, in network marketing, the system, too, must be structured and organized in such a way that it can be duplicated all the way down through the levels of your team. No matter what the level of expertise your team members have.
This strengthens the core structure of your organization when the duplicateable system is in place. New team members are able to quickly establish themselves and then build their own teams in the same way.
Duplicateable systems must have a strong ongoing support and ongoing training structure and must be suitable for anyone to follow including part-timers, as most people who start out in network marketing build their business alongside their full-time jobs.
You will also find that the retention rate for staying in the business will be much higher. This way more people on the team will succeed.
Network marketing is not for the loners because you cannot duplicate people but you can duplicate systems.
Many people have failed in their home businesses because their system is not duplicateable all the way through the lines, and then they believe it is their fault. But this is very often not the case! The true concept of network marketing is to be able to create an income for yourself by building a strong team. So in order for that to happen it has to be organized into some kind of duplicateable system where each individual will receive the ongoing training and support they need to build their own strong solid duplicateable system.
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