When to Join the Company:
Many reasons can cause a business to fail. And some of them are out of your reach, but mistakes can be avoided with good solid research. The timing of when to join a company can be the determining factor of whether or not your business succeeds.
Research it! Do the Homework:
If you are in the network marketing industry, and not doing as well as you had hoped, did it ever occur to you that the problem could be picking the wrong time to join a particular company? If that's the case, you could be the best sales person in the world, but still not succeed.
If you have joined a brand new company that is trying to find it's place in the network marketing world, it might not work out. Many new companies fail within the fisrt year or two.
When the timing is right, NON-Network marketers will take your product to the marketplace. The timing means NOW. Not 5 years earlier. Not 5 years later. Millionaires have been made in this industry just because of timing alone. Nothing else.
So how can you gauge the timing?
This free e-book explains that it's not easy, but there are some tips:
1. You'll waste a lot of time, money, and energy getting in too early, because a large percentage of these companies fail in the first year or two.
2. You'll waste a lot of time, money, and energy getting in too late. If the company is a household name, its momentum growth period occurred years ago. You're fighting a real uphill battle to start out in companies like this.
3.You want to get in AFTER a company has proven it has staying power (maybe 3-5 years), but BEFORE its momentum growth period is over (in general, the time it takes a company to go from $100 million to $500 million a year). If you can find a company like this (and one that also has the other parts of a proven formula in place, which you can read more about that on my blog), a little bit of work will give you the chance to really succeed and make money.
If you want to research more information about truly succeeding in network marketing, read this free e-book and you'll get a complete picture of how to avoid all traps and pitfalls in this lucrative industry.
Friday, July 25, 2008
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