New reps in most network marketing companies are usually told to make a list of family and friends and ask them to join the new business. The new reps then go about calling their prospects, hoping that all these friends and family will be happy to join the business. More often than not, however, rejection is the usual response received and this can be very discouraging for new network marketers.
Another option to get new prospects to join your business is buying "leads." Those people who have answered some ad on the Internet, and are interested in new business opportunities. The problem here is that you don't know where the leads come from, or you don't know how many competitors are sharing the same leads. Also, how fresh are the leads?
What you need is a system of your own that can be used to generate daily fresh leads at minimal caost, leads that are truly interested in joining a successful network marketing company. A system like this will enable you to target business leaders and distributors for you to recruit into your business. Generating your own leads means you will never have to approach family and friends again.
There is a program available called Mentoring For Free that offers you FREE training on how to build a relationship with people, particularly with potential prospects who are really interested in this business. You are taught to avoid the conventional methods taught by most network marketers and instead to rely on your relationship building to attract prospects to your business. All the people in your downline get free training too!
Click on the link above for more information on this FREE mentoring system.
Also, check out my FREE e-book! It is loaded with lots of great information about why you may not be achieving the sucess in network marketing that you are really seeking!
You will learn that it is not your fault. The deck is stacked against the average network marketer. But there is a better way, read the book and check out the Mentoring for Free Website!
To your success!
Monday, August 4, 2008
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