Monday, September 15, 2008
Read a Network Marketing Company's Policies & Procedures Before You Join!
Anyway, here are some highlights from those P&Ps:
Section XXX (exact details of which I am keeping confidential for my own protection and my prospect's) said that the company has a right to terminate you at any time for "any unethical, illegal, fraudulent or deceptive business practices." Well, folks, that means just about anything that they don't like. You smile wrong, you say a curse word, you lock you keys in your car, whatever, and they can terminate you, steal your downline, and take all your money. And the business you just spent, 2 years (or 5, 7, 10, whatever) building is gone! Poof! Just like that! And you have no legal standing because you signed those P&Ps. You are toast!!
This guy did not even read the P&Ps for this company before he signed up. The company sent them to him in the U.S mail, one week after he joined!
Folks, if you can't see the P&Ps before you join, if those P&Ps are more than a page or two, if those P&Ps contain any red flags (like we can get rid of you whenever we feel like it), then run like heck in the other direction!!!!! Don't join! Simple as that!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Do You Want Answers?
If you’re like most people struggling to succeed in network marketing, you’ve asked one or more of the following questions:
-Why am I struggling so to make this work?
-What are the secrets to recruiting?
-Should I be using closing techniques?
-Where are the best places to find interested people?
-What’s the best MLM recruiting system?
-How do I find the top ten mlm companies?
-How can I avoid a scam?
-What are some good MLM strategies?
-Does my network marketing company have the five pillars?
-How important is a good product?
-Should I try for multiple streams of income?
-Should I buy leads?
-What’s wrong with me?
-Why am I losing so much of my downline?
-Where’s my sponsor?
-Why can’t I find good workers?
-Should I try a ground floor opportunity?
-Am I treating people like numbers?
-Why doesn’t anybody want my product?
-Why are my friends and family avoiding me?
-Is this sales?
-Why am I not making the money I expected?
-How can I improve my phone skills?
-How can I improve my people skills?
-Are there inexpensive ways to advertise?
-Where can I find a mentor for network marketing or MLM coach?
-Why do so many people fail at MLM?
-How do I figure out my company’s pay plan?
-Are all MLM compensation plans the same?
-Should I have read my policies and procedures before joining?
-Where can I find help in my MLM business?
-Am I doing something wrong that I don’t know about?
If you want answers to these questions, and any other questions you might have, read this FREE e-book, Success in 10 Steps. It is a guide for those weary, frustrated network marketers looking for answers! Save yourself years of failure and frustration. Also, check out my Mentoring for Free website. Everything is free, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!